I believe we should devote a major portion of this section of the Taurus-Capricorn
chapter to a lesson much needed by all Earth Sign men and women. A lesson,
yes . . . but also, perhaps, a kind of karmic warning.
Did you ever notice how people forget things, then try to pretend that what
they forgot wasn't very important anyway? A Taurus woman will seldom resort
to such pretense. She doesn't forget much, and everything is important to her.
All Bulls possess powerful memories.
She certainly will not forget the very day and hour she meets a Capricorn
man whose Moon or Ascendent was in an Earth or Water Sign at birth, especially
if her Moon and Ascendent were in one of these same elements when she was
born. Adding that sort of Luminary harmony to the powerfully compatible 5-9
Sun Sign Pattern, it will be a rare Bull and Goat who doesn't instantly recognize
the soft, humming sound of future happiness together. It's like hitting a romantic
jackpot with your last quarter of faith, when you've gambled and lost too
many dreams to count, an especially heart-warming win for Taurus and Capricorn,
since they both gamble so rarely. On anything.
Because Earth Signs don't talk a lot about their personal lives (both these
lovers were born into the Earth Element) lots of people believe the awesome experience
of the intertwined destiny of twin souls happens only to those who are
born under the influence of the Fire, Air or Water Elements. Not so. Such fascinating
appointments with Fate also occur between Bulls and Goats (and Virgo
Virgins) leaving them just as profoundly moved as any Earthlings who are swept
into a sense of trembling wonder by the realization that their meeting was
planned, and inescapably so. To prove this to all the Taurus women and Capricorn
men reading their own chapter, or any other curious Earth Sign couples, I
offer the following example.
I know a Goat named Steve (not the Cappy jeweler mentioned elsewhere)
and a Bull named Debbie (not the same Steve and Debbie pair referred to in the
Libra-Aquarius chapter). The surname of these two is Atwell. Capricorn Steve
and Taurean Debbie Atwell were married in the fall of 1977. To the average
person, Steve and Debbie appear to be just a normal, ordinary, happy and contented
young married couple. They are happy and contented, certainly, but
their relationship has been more paranormal than normal, more extraordinary
than ordinary. From the moment each of them was born, a cosmic plan waswait. A couple of decadesfather, Les. Surely, now, the starcrossednever restless) and at lastback
Taurean Debbie's father. Love's victory is in sight!
No. Not quite yet. Cautious Saturn has decreed another three years of
waiting in blindness for the lovers, causing Venus to weep in frustration, but
then she dries her tears, and cleverly begins to influence the vivid dreams of
Debbie's Cancerian father, Les (with the help of
At last, as Earth time grew near the mysterious Christmas season of 1975,
Debbie's father, while discussing with Steve the approaching holiday party forto Woodland Park, Colorado, in 1972, and once more went to work forhis ruler, the romantic, sentimentalCounty Road Commission employees, "just happened" to mention that his
daughter didn't feel like attending, because she had no escort (Venus had arranged
offered to take her (Goats and Bulls, you know, are very circumspect regarding
social convention) - as if he had a choice in this karmic drama, which he had
not at all, of course.
Then Debbie's mother, Pat, invited Steve to dinner a few days before the
party, where he finally met the Taurus girl who was the other half of himself.
That evening, Saturn gave only one, final, half-hearted gesture of discipline, as
he drew a veil across the eyes of the Goat and the Bull, so they didn't recognize
each other at all, except as ordinary people, exchanging ordinary conversation,
in an ordinary way.
Then, came the magical night of Christmas Eve, and the party. It was time.
Near midnight, the Bull and the Goat looked deeply into each other's suddenly
familiar eyes, and
in eternity.
Yes, it was time.
quite nicely), and since Steve had no date for the party either, heknew as they were swept into one of those shining moments"Two shall be born . . . . the whole wide world apartsang the Higher Angels of themselves, in joyful unison . . . as trillions of tiny,
twinkling stars caroled in space the Moon smiled, behind a single tear
. . . . even Old Man Saturn grinned . . . . and Venus lay herself down on a soft
cloud, to rest for a while, exhausted.
It's really a wondrous experience to look down upon events below, on Earth,
from the higher vantage point of the stars . . . and watch destiny unfold its silvery-
gold wings. An esoteric astrologer, carefully studying both horoscopes,
could have predicted that unexpected Christmas Eve for the Goat and the Bull,
when he was born, in Colorado - and when she was born, in Wisconsin. It's
what makes astrology such a happy art and science. For, we have no real free
will at all, any of us, on this level of awareness - except in our choice of
reactionto Life's destined dramas. Only our Higher Selves possess complete free will
over the control of events, which we may attain . . . touch briefly . . . only when
we make contact, and thereafter communicate with - the Superconscious. I
trust this true example will loosen somewhat the esoteric sensoriums of Taurus
women and Capricorn men everywhere who have this odd notion that they may
exert some sort of sensible, earthy control over their love - its alpha and its
omega - without heeding their dreams, which are the true reality, and listening
carefully to the symphony of the stars.
The natural chemistry between the Goat and the Bull, as with all 5-9 influenced
lovers, makes it appear that their romance will be velvety smooth and free
of static. But that's not necessarily true. The 5-9 blessing merely bestows the
gift of a relationship which can bear more strain and stress than most, because
of the mutual sympathy of the Sun Signs. Tensions may be more easily resolved
with less bitterness, the occasional hurts interchanged are less painful, and reconciliations
are usually more frequent and successful. They'll have their share of
problems, but it takes really serious trouble to create a permanent break between
two who are graced by the 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern, once they've committed
themselves to each other in earnest.
Taurus and Cappy are each motivated by the same thing - security. Emotional
and financial security. Unless the Moon or Ascendent of either was in an
Air or Water sign at birth, these two normally don't possess the soaring imagination
considered by poets and dreamers to be an absolute necessity for romance.
Yet, they do share a quality between them which is profoundly necessary to the
strength of any human relationship - the quality of patience. And patience is a
virtue which nearly always gives birth, eventually, to triplets - Devotion, Faith
and Loyalty, those three magic wands of words that can turn a casual infatuation,
based on chemistry alone, into the deeper and enduring emotion of love.Another ingredient the poets and dreamers deem to be a requirement for
the flourishing of lasting romance, is - sentiment. At first glance, the Taurean
girl may not appear to be brimming over with sentiment, but there are, nevertheless,
sparkling wells of it within her for the right man to discover. Despite
her surface practicality, it shows clearly in the strong attachment she has for
home, her material possessions, old love letters, her children and her husband.
She will resist any major change stubbornly, even when she
does she easily adapt to minor changes in personal habits. For what is a desire
for change but a lack of sentimental attachment to what already exists? Therefore,
her resistance to it means the opposite - an excess of emotion for what is
already, and what has been. And this is the quality of which sentiment is made.
All right, so sentimental she is. Soft-hearted too. But she is not soft-headed,
this lady. She knows what she wants, and will pursue it, in her own determined,
yet outwardly unhurried and quiet way. The Taurean woman is perfectly
willing to wait, and not push things prematurely, a trait the Capricorn man
finds irresistibly feminine. It embodies the ultimate in female sexuality - passivity
- which hints to him of the subtle mystery of submission to the dominant
masculine force. This will never fail to both please and emotionally "turn on"
the always slightly chauvinistic male Goat. And so, he may not notice the hardness
of her head when he's been so entranced into seeing himself as the virile
conqueror by the softness of her ways and the gentleness of her manner. Not to
mention by her deep, throaty, musical voice - and her intriguing curves, all
nicely rounded in the proper places, and designed for cuddling. Besides all that,
this lady is usually a superb cook, and she has a marvelous sense of humor.
Sometimes it may seem that these two are so alike, you can't tell them
apart. But there are ways an astrologer can tell them apart. Here's one. The
Taurus girl will seldom burn up her carefully conserved energy in seeking either
public acclaim or private approval. When she's made up her mind that she's
right about anything, all she asks is that she be left alone, and not pushed by
those who think differently. Tell the typical Taurus female that people are
whispering about her, or that someone dislikes her, she'll simply shrug and say,
"So? Have they nothing better to do than live my life for me? Have they no
lives of their own? They must be very frustrated and lonely." Then she'll continue
doing whatever it is she is doing, content in her self-respect.
Conversely, the Capricorn man cares quite a lot about both public acclaim
and private approval. Secretly, he wants to reach the top of his goal or dream,
then move into a position of power, far enough away from the clamorous crowds
not to be annoyed or contaminated by the childish behavior he observes all
around him. The quieter the Goat, the more intensely he inwardly yearns to get
there first - with the most. Tell him that someone disapproves of him, and
Cappy may shrug, like the lady Bull. He may even murmur the same kind of "I
couldn't care less" reply. But
himself into a good toothache or stomachache over it, crack his knee cap several
times a week, or break out in nervous bumps. He'll try to raise the opinion of
himself held by those disappproving ones, as soon as he can do it without arousing
the suspicion that it bothered him. Respect and admiration from business
associates, friends, relatives and neighbors is vitally important to the Goat.
Taurus appreciates any posies of praise thrown her way too, but unlike her Capricorn
man, she won't be crushed when she receives an occasional onion of criticism
or a mud pie of gossipy disapproval. She may guess his secret, but she's too
kind and tactful, normally, to ever let him know the pain she's aware that he
feels when he is not fully appreciated by others. Many emotions pass between
this man and woman silently... unspoken, but no less deep and binding
communicated in ways the heart hears.
In their sexual relationship, she may sometimes unconsciously project afaintly condescending attitude toward him. The Taurus woman is better prepared
for the intimacy of sexual union than the average Goat, because her highly
developed senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching, in all
areas of existence, also increase her ability to express her love physically in subtle
ways. She's also more adept than he in being able to show her affection
through sentimental words and gestures (though she won't overdo it) and there
could be some scattered occasions, in the beginning especially, when her superior
talent for pure erotic sensuality may cause the Goat to feel inadequate as a
lover. His physical expression of love is intense and direct, and can cause the
Capricorn man to be quick and unrestrained in his sexual desire, with little delicacy.
He tends to seek passion, without any frills, and though he doesn't lack
tenderness, it may now and then
be taught when it's latent, as it always is, in Capricorn. It may be buried beneath
tons of his earthy nature, yet it's a treasure well worth digging for, with
perseverance. If she uses her great reserves of patience and gentleness to lead
him, he'll be anxious to learn how to fulfill, through their sexual Oneness, all her
needs, which are no less intense than his. The Goat never finds it easy to express
his strongest yearnings. A Taurus woman, when she follows her instincts,
can help him free the emotions he shyly feels, and so very much longs to release.
One of the unfortunate quirks of many Saturn-ruled, Capricorn people (of
both sexes) is their tendency to expect love to be sad, somehow because
of early romantic disappointments. Since his physical desires are as strong as
any man's, this can cause an occasional Capricorn man to separate sex and love,
in what, to him, is a practical attempt to satisfy the flesh urges of the former,
and avoid being hurt by the latter. Because she is ruled by Venus, it's the responsibility
of the Taurus woman to teach her shy, funny, affectionate Goat the
eternal truth that these two needs cannot be divided if both are to be completely
fulfilled. Sex without love leaves the body cold. Love without sex leaves the
soul empty.
Now and then, it happens that there's a Capricorn man who seems to be
made entirely of the earthy materials of selfishness, coldness, practicality and
ambition. Now and then, it happens that there's a Taurus woman who seems to
be made of the earthy materials of common sense, stubbornness, ambition and
stale habit. But in both cases, these are simply facades to keep love at a distance,
which is just the way they like it.
Why should they openly display their hearts, or offer them for sale to the
highest bidder? This man and woman place too much value on their hearts to
toss them casually upon love's auction block. But when the Taurus girl comes
along to tenderly touch his hand, and gaze deeply into his eyes, quietly... the
Goat will give his heart away, willingly, to her. Just as she will hand him her
own, when she discovers he has guessed her most closely guarded secret (as
closely guarded as his) - that she's a romantic dreamer too.
The Goats and Bulls reading this chapter have, I trust, learned not to scoff
at Destiny and Fate, simply because they are intangible, unseen forces. To refuse
to tune in to one's higher consciousness can cause the path of destiny to
take a wrong turn, sadly, somewhere along the way. And this is far too frequently
the fate of dogmatic Earth Sign men and women, in following the road to happiness.
Maybe it would help them to meditate on the
Debbie's Higher Angels of themselves were singing on that magical Christmas
Eve, in Colorado first channeled by Venus, long ago, through the sensitive
awareness of a poet named Rossetti.
seems to agree. Norprivately, he will frown, perhaps even frustrate seem to her that he does. But tenderness canentire verse Steve andtwo shall be born
and speak in different tongues ... and have no thought
each, of the other's being... and no heedand these same two
o'er unknown seas, to unknown lands, shall cross
escaping wreck, defying death
and all unconsciously
shape each act, and bend each wandering step
to this one end ...
that one day, out of darkness
they must meet
and read Life's meaning in each other's eyes
and these same two
along some narrow way of Life shall walk
so nearly side by side
that should one turn, ever so little space
to left... or right
they needs must stand acknowledged, face to face
and yet . . .
with wistful eyes, that never meet
and groping hands that never clasp
with lips, calling in vain, to ears that never hear
they seek each other all their weary days
and die unsatisfied
... and this is Fate. . . the whole wide world apartformed to draw them magnetically together - as happens with many lovers in
the 5-9 vibratory experience, whose Luminary and other planetary aspects are
also harmonious.
It's never easy to convince two Earth Sign people that their love - or anything
else - is fated. Taurus and Cappy usually believe only what they can
hear, see, smell and feel, tangibly. Yet, the Higher Angels of any two who are
cosmically programmed to join, are quite persistent, and never stop their efforts
until the starry mission has been accomplished.
Pretend you're living on Venus (ruler of Taurus) - or on Saturn (ruler of
Capricorn) looking down upon the following events below, on Earth. Capricorn
Steve is born, a baby boy Goat, in Woodland Park, Colorado. Near the same
time, Taurean Debbie is born, a baby girl Bull, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Like
parachuters and astronauts, twin souls sometimes miscalculate, and land a few
miles away from the astrally scheduled spot.)
Venus is troubled, but Saturn intones wisely -
pass, as the lovers grow, miles apart, from boy and girl into man and woman.
Then, in 1967, Venus guides Steve, the Goat, to Milwaukee, where Debbie, the
Bull, was born and lives - to enter college there. Now, surely, the two of them
must meet, and read Life's meaning in each other's eyes. But no . . . stuffy, restrictive
Old Man Saturn delays their union still longer. He influences Taurean
Debbie's parents to move, with their daughter, in 1969, to Woodland Park, Colorado,
where Steve, the Goat, was born.
Like love letters crossing in the mail, now the Goat has found his way to the
city where his future wife was born - and she has found her way to the town
where her future husband was born. Yet they are still separated as before, except
that their separation has reversed itself geographically. So Venus steps in,
determined. With her gentle powers of persuasion, she guides Steve, the Goat,
in 1971, back to his birthplace - to Woodland Park, Colorado - where Debbie,
the Bull, unconsciously awaits him, growing lonelier by the hour, and wondering
wistfully, "What's the use of wishing on stars? The stars don't have the power
to make wishes come true." She's wrong. They do. For Venus has added a clever
twist. She has sung a lovely song into the sleeping ear of Steve, the Goat,
haunting him... and persuading him to accept a job with the County Road
Commission, working for Debbie's Cancerian
lovers must meet!
Alas, no . . . Saturn is ready to impose his cruelest karmic test. After delaying
the meeting between the two for nearly another year (how was Steve to know
his boss was his future father-in-law?) Saturn influenced Steve to leave. The
Goat, whose wanderings had brought him so near the end of his heart's seeking,
heeded the command of Saturn, became dissatisfied with his job and resigned
(after the proper Capricorn notice, of course) to accept a job as a logger, many
miles away. Saturn even tried to convince Steve at this time to move permanently
to Alaska. But he was foiled by the free-will choice of the Goat's own
Higher Self, in conspiracy with Debbie's Venus. Steve struggled with his
strange restlessness (Earth Signs are normally, nearly
submitted to the melody Venus sang to him in his dreams at night. He moved
Always thought of Capricorn as "just a friend"