Remember when, as a child, you used to watch a magician, and marvel at the
way he made white rabbits, silk roses and colored ribbons disappear in front of
your eyes? A Taurus man who falls in love with a Pisces girl, and who doesn't
study the magic of astrology, may get an opportunity to relive that experience.
It may take her months or years to master the disappearing act. And she won't
announce it in advance when she does, because a Pisces hates to get involved in
sticky controversy, or get tangled up in hollering and endless recriminations. It
could happen on a day - or an evening - like hundreds of others, when she says
"Darling, I've been invited to attend a poetry reading tonight. Could you drop
me off, then catch a film, and pick me up later?""No. I don't want to go to the movies alone."
"Then would you like to come along with me, because . . . . "
"No, I wouldn't. You know I don't mess around with that mystical stuff."
"All right. I won't go to the poetry reading. I'll go to the movies with you. Do
you like my new dress?"
"It's too short. You look like a stripper, ready to pull her last zipper. Put on
something else, and let the hem down before you wear it again."
"Yes, dear. I will. But everyone is wearing . . . . "
"Sure, and everyone is also going nuts with sex and drugs and riots and revolutions
and female liberation. Does that mean the woman I love has to copy
"No, of course not. You're right, darling. I just thought "
"You shouldn't think, since it obviously mixes up your brains, and gives you
fuzzy opinions. Just stick to your female functions. Come on, we'll be late for
the hey! Where are you? Where did you go?"
She has disappeared, as suddenly and subtly as the white rabbits, silk roses
and colored ribbons. She's finally had enough of his blindness to her sensitive
feelings, his stubborn refusal to meet her halfway, and his obstinate opinions
that leave no room for compromise. Maybe she just slipped away to reflect
alone for a period, and she'll return refreshed, ready to submit again, if she really
loves him. There's just a slight touch of masochism in all Neptune-ruled
women. But there's also a chance that someday she'll disappear forever, especially
if she has an aggressive Moon Sign or Ascendent - so the Bull should anticipate
the possibility, since he's so big on the practicality of being prepared for
trouble in advance.
Naturally, not all Taurus-Pisces couples are so widely polarized by his obstinate
masculine superiority and her timid feminine acquiescence. That's just
a warning to the Bull and the Fish who have a conflicting Sun-Moon aspect between
their horoscopes. If their Luminaries are harmonious, they can have a
rare and satisfying love relationship, because they are compatible in many ways,
a deep comfort to one another when life gets too noisy and frantic for him - or
too harsh and ugly for her. Every man appreciates a sympathetic ear to listen to
his troubles, especially when it's attached to an attentive, geisha-type female
with a soft voice and gentle manners. But human nature being what it is, every
man will also try to get away with as much as he can, when a girl is so tolerant
and understanding. A Taurus man is certainly no exception to that rule. And so
a Pisces girl who falls in love with a strong Bull must toughen up her ego, if she
wants to learn the magic trick of turning him into a lovable Taurean Teddy
She has one thing going for her, however, that's kind of cool. Behind her
sweetly compliant exterior hides a very quick, bright and highly perceptive
mind. She'll catch him up when he least expects it, if what he thinks he's getting
away with is a flirtation with another woman, although she may forgive him
almost too quickly, at least the first time. It's when he's trying to get away with
submerging her dreams, and bending her fluid nature to his own rigid one, that
she needs practice in toughness.back all the emotional vibrations in her immediateabsorbs them inwardly, like a sponge,he like to be forced by afact
but one answer, yes or no. Since everything in the cosmos is relative, why should
truth be an exception? The shower question involves the immediate past. Questions
of fact involving the more distant past, such as: Was Lincoln assassinated?
Did Napoleon lose his final battle? and so forth... fall into a deeper esoteric and
metaphysical-spiritual category, relating to the heavy Einsteinian Time question.
If Past, Present and Future
suspected - then, considering that one may change the Future by actions of the
Present, should not one also be able to change the Past, through actions in the
Present? This sort of truth belongs to the study of meta-physics, not physics -
and the answer lies buried in the riddle of "how
of the singular, as in: "can
much too heavy to discuss further here and now, far too deep a subject for merely
one compatibility chapter, and will have to wait for a future book. Still, the entire
issue is an interesting one for Taurus-Pisces lovers or mates to exchange thoughts
about with each other.around, inciting the Bull's anger, and arousing his Taurean possessivewhat?""To the stars! Listen to the stars coming out don't they sound beautiful?"
Instead of frowning with puzzled annoyance at her confusing sight and
sound, he should just hold her closer, and
beautiful music the stars coming out, snowflakes falling, someone's arms
around you when you're unsure . . . . a special smile . . . and Pisces can teach
Taurus to hear it.
listen with her. For they do makeTruth, in its various states and forms, won't matter so much to this man
and woman in their sexual expression of love. This is an area where the only
truth is the peace of fulfillment they bring to one another. Barring severe Luminary
afflictions between their birth charts, or other mutual planetary-aspect difficulties
to overcome, the sexual harmony between the Taurus man and his Pisces
woman should be a thing of undeniable truth and beauty - the strong
attraction of Earth for Water, and vice versa. These two, especially if the Sun-
Moon relationship between them is strong and positive, can exist almost in a
world of their own, held together by a communion of the senses surpassing anything
an Air or Fire sign could imagine. Few human experiences of sharing are
more comforting than the physical demonstration of love between a Bull and a
Fish, who have surrendered themselves to one another, without questioning
their mutual need, only desiring to answer it. It's not the explosive passion of
other Sun Sign couples, but the rare tenderness and affection which is so warmly
given, and so quietly received, that makes their union so complete and peacerestoring
an intimacy. There's always a hint of mystery hovering over and
around the sexual relationship between Taurus and Pisces, and they're usually
both content to leave it be, perhaps sensing that to expose the silent unknown
would somehow dim the excitement.
If he tries to force her love into a definite shape, she may wander away, or
worse, wander
instincts. He may cause her to feel lonely at times, when he's too busy or
preoccupied to share with her the things she feels, and hears, and sees. But Water
enriches the Earth, and Earth welcomes Water into the soil of security, so
they can grow through their differences, while finding solace in their sameness
- if she gives him enough solid, tangible signs of affection - and he loans
her his steadiness to lean on when her dreams elude her, and her longings sadden
her. Some night, they may be outside together, walking home from somewhere,
and she'll look up into the sky, and whisper to him: "Listen "
Then he'll ask, "Listen to
- such as: Were you in the shower an hour ago? - clearly haveare simultaneous, and not separate, as "abstract Al"far back in time?" - and the useone change the past by . . . . ? " and so forth. But it'sNot that all the problems between them will arise from his overemphasis on
male dominance. Some of them may be caused by her procrastination (oh, let's
worry about that later ...) - her exasperating elusiveness - (I don't know exactly
where I'm going, or just how long I'll be. Do you have to pin me down? ) -
her secrecy - (I can't answer that. Please don't pry into my personal feelings)
- her exaggerated dependence (I can't decide what to do by myself) - or
her lack of self-confidence, accompanied by waterfalls of tears - (I'm not pretty
enough, or smart enough for you). He can tell her a thousand times that she's
perfect for him, but if she's a girl Fish with an afflicted natal Sun, or an also
Mutable Ascendent and Moon Sign, she'll still privately worry and wonder, and
suspect him of humoring her.
A Taurus man will find it easier to understand a Pisces girl, if he remembers
that she not only reflects
vicinity (including his own), she also
through her Neptunian sympathy of spirit. How would
ruling planet to go around mopping up everyone's tears, sopping up their fears,
reflecting and absorbing everything from hilarity to hysteria? It would make
anyone a little unsure and shaky at times.
Lest you conceive of every Bull as a rough and tough, insensitive male type,
it should be remembered that American film actor James Mason is a Taurean -
the very epitome of polished, drawing-room manners and sophistication. (But
he's stubborn.) And lest you conceive of every girl Fish as a weeping willow tree,
frightened and timid, lacking aggression, it should be remembered that Taurean
James Mason's legally former and astrally current wife, Pamela Mason, is a Piscean
- the very epitome of a lady who will not be pushed around, by Bulls or
anyone else, and who most definitely knows her own mind! (But she's gentle
and dainty and compassionate.)
One of the things which may disturb the Taurus man is the Neptunian approach
to truth of his Pisces woman. She sees truth as what she feels at the moment,
and what she feels at the moment is always vulnerable to suggestion and
susceptible to change, as the people, the situation and the viewpoint either dilute
it or strengthen it. Pisces does not see truth as a static, but as a constantly
altering thing, depending upon many interpretations.
The Bull sees truth as a fact, eternal and unchanging. Now, that's what you
call a polarity of opinion. Which one is right? Actually, they're both right, at different
times, depending on what kind of truth they mean. Some truths are universal,
eternally unchanging. Others are many-sided and individual. Still others are
in a continual state of flux, since they relate to people's feelings and emotions of
the moment - or public opinion of the moment. And some truths, based on indisputable
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