Friday, November 5, 2010


Very little comes as a surprise to an Aquarian man, considering his intuitive nature.
Still, he may not be prepared for what happens after he knocks around
with a Taurus girl for a spell. Here he is, a man with a firm set of ethics (they
may be peculiar, but they are his own, and they are firm - or rather, Fixed). He
has a great feeling for humanity. He's interested in everybody, he has no prejudices
against the female sex, the male sex, or people of any other sex. Yet, look
at the hurt he's caused her, all unawares. How can he have hurt her? They had
so much fun together at the zoo. He was just trying to be her big brother. Her
friend. Her pal. Her buddy.
A Taurus girl was formed for romance by Mother Nature, and this is not a
female who argues with Mother Nature. Where he made his mistake with her
was back at the beginning. The first time he found himself concentrating his
fitful, but flattering attention on her, asking her shocking questions of an intimate
sort, and pulling on his ear sympathetically when she cried, he should have
made a special effort - to notice that she's a woman. She's certainly aware that
he's a man. She noticed it right off. And to her, the romantic arithmetic then
became quite simple. One male plus one female equals ecstasy - on several levels,
not the least of which is the sensual gratification of touching.
Aquarians reading this may need an interpretation of the word "touching."
It means kissing, hugging, holding hands, and all sorts of things. It means,
like - well, human bodily contact. Flesh-to-flesh. Human bodily contact is
something which not all, but many Water Bearers, fear as they fear the black
plague. (The black plague is what you get if someone uses your towel or toothbrush.
Or the white plague. Either one. Both deadly.) It isn't that Aquarians
are against touching itself, but it leads to - what do they call it - two becoming
one? Or some nonsense like that. Aquarius feels safer when two remain two.
That way, he's sure of where he stands. Alone. Free of obligations, and in no
danger of losing his individuality. If you're going to go around touching people,
especially girl-type people, who knows what you're letting yourself in for? Especially
if she forgets to bring her own towel when they go swimming. Maybe
even the black or white plague!
Perhaps he was devoting himself to her for the purpose of taking her apart
to see how she ticks or tocks, with the same fascination he has for all forms of
experimentation. But she didn't realize she was only a guinea pig for his curious
mind. When he invited her to bring her own pizza and cream soda, and watch
the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade from his roof, she thought he was, well -
to be honest - a little crazy. Still, it was a wonderful kind of crazy, and when
she considered it carefully (as Taureans always do) she decided he wouldn't invite
just any old girl to hang around on his roof with him. She then concluded it
meant he loved her.
Maybe he did. But an Aquarian man has a way of switching love-at-firstsight
into friendship, as a sort of test of its deeper worth, then letting it rust
there. To a Taurus girl, such neglect of mutual emotional needs is a sure way to
become a real-born-loser. She believes that genuine love doesn't strike but once
(sometimes not even that often) in a lifetime. Why risk missing it by not recogmore than just another buddy.
nizing it, and giving it a chance? She's astrologically right. Real love (meaning
the twin soul union) is a rare and beautiful experience. It's a sad thing to miss
it, and have to catch up with it in a future incarnation. Even though Aquarius is
the natural ruler of the eleventh astrological house of "karmic love," many
Aquarians do miss it. They rank right alongside Virgos and Sagittarians in their
inclination toward bachelorhood, and in their desire to avoid confinement in the
institution of marriage. Of course, there are compensations. They also avoid
mistakes. That's a good thing to avoid with this Sun Sign combination, considering
it's a 4-10 vibration. If it should happen to be a mistake, and they get
married, it won't take much strain to unravel the knot.
There are exceptions, but the average Taurean girl who is unhappily involved
with an Aquarian male is more vulnerable to being devastated by it than
he is. Once she falls in love, she intends it to last forever-and-three-days. That
would be his original intention too, except for his proclivity for eccentric action,
which she may not anticipate, because he can't even predict it himself, and
heaven knows he can't explain it. He's a Fixed Sun Sign, so it is conceivable and
even possible for him to remain contented with the right woman for a lifetime.
But when he's not contented, his Uranus vibes will make the final split much
easier for him to bear than for her.
Aquarius adapts smoothly to change, when it's necessary (sometimes even
when it isn't), despite his Fixity in daily, personal habits. Taurus does not. To
her, change is frightening. It means the new, the strange, the untried and the
unfamiliar. She feels emotionally safe, secure, protected in her lover's arms,
once there's been intimacy between them. She's used to him. Like she's used to
her hair style, her faded jeans, her old records, her broken-down coffee pot, and
her broken-in tennies - with much more depth of feeling, of course. Even if living
with him is full of friction, to the point of being unbearable, she'll postpone
ending the misery through separation or divorce as long as she stubbornly believes
there's still hope. You have to admire her staying power. But when and if
she does finally make up her mind to leave him, she'll go. And nothing will
bring her back. That is, if she was serious about leaving, and not just trying it as
a last, desperate resort. If it's the latter, her faith and efforts may be rewarded,
because the temporary break provides a change from monotony, and forces him
to take a fresh interest in the changing scene. It's a strategy some Taurus girls
use successfully, even going so far as to feign a love affair with a handsome gigolo
type, which often has the effect of jerking Aquarius back from his world out
yonder, and waking him up to the possibility that he's losing more than a comfortable
friendship. He may start having nightly hot flashes and cold chills, as
he remembers the funny way her nose wrinkles when she laughs, the way she
sings off key in the shower - (and uses her own towel) - the sleepy-soft look in
her eyes on Sunday mornings, her blueberry pancakes, the little feminine
mooing sounds she makes when she's been well loved, her wacky jokes, her shiny
hair, her scented skin, her - well, maybe she was
She was so great at pulling splinters out of his toes, massaging his back, having
faith in his visions, making things cozy, making poverty fun, making his headaches
disappear, making potato soup, making money stretch, making love - yes,
she's something more than a pal. She's really something else.
So, he pedals his bike to her pad, brings her a pet mouse as a peace offering,
shoves a bunch of ragged dandelions in her hand, gives her a lopsided grin, and
asks shyly, "Hey, sexy! You want to play house again?" However, if she's not
using the walkout as romantic strategy - if it is, instead, the result of her careful
deliberation - he can stuff the mouse and the dandelions back in his pocket.
A Bull once gone, is gone. He could move a mountain more easily than he could
sway the Taurus woman into trying again, once she decides it's really over between
Without a favorable Sun-Moon aspect between this (or any other) 4-10 SunThat's why he brought the mouse! Hmmmm.
Sign Pattern, the slightest breeze may rock the boat, and cause a shipwreck. Because
his Uranus reflexes are quicker than hers, he may sail away before she realizes
what happened, and she'll be left floating around in a sea of emotions
without a life preserver, and she's of the Earth element, not Water. That's why
Bulls are in more danger than Water Bearers when love goes on the rocks. With
planetary assistance from a harmonious Sun-Moon aspect in their mutual
charts, however, they can survive the storms and knit a bright crazy-quilt of living
and loving, stuffed with soft feathers of compassion and affection, to keep
them warm and toasty while they fight and kiss and make-up periodically.
Their sexual relationship may be frustrating and unfulfilling, unless she caters
to his need for change by matching his madness. If he surprises her by
wearing a Donald Duck face mask to bed, or letting their pet mouse loose under
the blankets to nibble her toes, she shouldn't pout stubbornly, or sleep in the
guest room. She should shock him right back with her own little surprises, like
wearing his dandelions in her hair at night - making a bedspread out of old
Union Jacks, wired with a music box that plays "God Save the Queen" when she
presses the button - or maybe painting the ceiling with luminous stars and galaxies,
like the one at the Hayden Planetarium, so he can lie there and try to spot
the Big Dipper while they're making love. Anything to vary the scene.
He'll have to take the time, and have the patience, to understand and fill
her deep hunger for affection, and for the sensual in lovemaking. She needs expressions
of love at times other than their sexual union. But this man can be a
sensitive, considerate lover, if the Taurus girl-woman tries a little harder to be
tolerant of his little sexual, emotional and romantic idiosyncrasies. She'll have
to realize that his Uranus passion is mental, as well as physical, and find imaginative
ways to blend his abstract desires with her more centered and traditional
sexual needs. It's a constant challenge to arouse this man to the point of pure,
sky rocket passion, but worth the effort, because Aquarius can bring to sexual
Oneness an unexpected magic, that turns on the heart and soul, as well as the
physical senses.
One word of warning. The pet mouse he may use as a conciliatory gesture
when they've quarreled - he'd better make that a gerbil. Taurus people are
very closely related, not to just bulls and cows, but also, on a different, but
equally powerful vibration, to the elephant. You know what elephants do when
they see a mouse. She's liable to do the very same thing. Scream or trumpet
chillingly, toss her trunk in the air wildly, in great fright, and leap across the
room . . . into his arms. Oh, I see.
Never underestimate the canny calculations of an Aquarian male. He always
knows exactly what he's doing, however daffy he may appear while he's doing it.
These two are different. She's a girl. He's a boy. She'd like him to treat
her as a woman, he'd like to be treated as a man. She deserves it. He may not.
(But men are dreary sorts - boys are more fun.) She likes thick carpets and
plush, plump furniture. He'd just as soon sack out in a tent. She likes to scrub
her skin with a scented back brush, in a tub of water, filled with perfumed oils.
He likes to beat his skin with bamboo leaves, Japanese style, in the shower.
She's tuned in to peace and quiet - which he calls boredom. He's tuned in to
excitement and controversy - which she calls bedlam.
She may eventually lose her normally well controlled temper and patience,
and tell him to go get someone else to pull the splinters out of his toes. Still, if
he can teach her how to fly a little, and she can teach him how to get it together
well, who knows? " I f is a little word, with a big meaning. But "love" is
a four letter word, with infinite power.

1 comment:

  1. Fell in love with an aquarius for 7 years.

