The practical side of a Taurus man will respond, with excitement (as much excitement
as a Bull can arouse) to the practical side of the Capricorn girl. He'll
admire her self-sufficiency, and her air of well-bred, dignified reserve will intrigue
him, not to mention her quiet beauty. Taurus doesn't like anything to
come easy, including love. This girl's love never comes easy. Since the Bull believes
nothing is worth much if he doesn't have to work hard to get it and keep
it, Cappy will interest him right away. Her affections are difficult to capture, for
she does not yield her inner self lightly, or quickly. Obviously then, she's a prize
the Bull deems it worthwhile to pursue.
But he may not respond with the same fervor of excitement to her apparent
lack of sentiment. Despite his feigned disinterest in mushy declarations of love,
Taurus is the most sentimental of all the Sun Signs. He doesn't wear his heart
on his sleeve, but it's in the right place, however well hidden from view. It beats
faster when he plays their favorite song, smells her perfume unexpectedly somewhere,
or hears a laugh that reminds him of hers.
The female Goat is not quite so bowled over by nostalgic memories when apractical."So, back to what we first discussed. The Taurus male will admire her common
sense and practicality, because they match his own, but will probably be
shocked (or hurt) at her lack of sentiment. It can put him in a twin dither of
STOP and GO urges with her. But since their chemistry is so right, he'd be wise
to swallow his shock and hurt with patience (another quality they both possess
in abundance) until she's made one of her combined head-and-heart decisions to
love and marry him. After that, she'll probably be as sentimental with him and
with their family (including her parents and siblings, whom she'll stick to like a
burr) as he could possibly desire. Married to the right man, no one makes a better
wife and mother than Capricorn. She may appear snobbish and cold and a
bit of a social climber to the rest of the world, but her husband, children and relatives
will know only her warmth and love.
Jealousy will probably not be a large problem with these two. Neither the
Bull nor the Goat is as mortally wounded, in an emotional sense, by an isolated
act of infidelity as a Fire or Water Sign would be. With these two, it's more as if
someone has robbed them of a valued possession. A Taurus man will become
just as furious if an intruder steals his wife's affections as if he had stolen his car
or his checkbook, about which he is more or less equally sentimental. A Goat
Girl will be as coldly angry if a woman flirts with her Taurus husband as if she
had caught the vixen trying to steal her mother's heirloom bedspread, or her father's
antique clock.
When you comprehend how painful it is for both the Bull and the Goat to
give up cash, or material things, I suppose you might say that unfaithfulness is
no more pleasant for them than for the more emotional Sun Signs. But neitherhe nor she is inclined to throw away a secure relationship or a marriage over a
single act of infidelity. Bulls and Goats have little desire to tamper with or to
destroy an existing situation. When they do, which will be a rare occurrence,
you can be sure of three things: (1) they will never forgive, (2) they will never
forget, (3) they will never turn back and start again, with fresh hope in a new beginning.
What's lost is lost, what's gone is gone. Finders may be keepers, but
losers are never weepers, when they are Taureans or Capricorns.
Although they don't turn on the spigots of tears or hysteria, rejection or
failure can, nevertheless, hurt them both deeply. But a Goat and a Bull will not
sniffle in front of nosy neighbors. They'll brood in dismal melancholy privately,
until finally, after weeks, or months, or years of inner sadness, they decide that
the continuation of grief over spilled buttermilk is just not
they'll brighten up a little. Since this is a 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern, it will take a
really major catastrophe to break a tie they have cemented together with sincere
Sexually, they are firmly and comfortably mated, because the physical relationship
is usually - not always, but usually - more satisfying when the man is
the Taurus, and the woman the Capricorn, than when the team shifts sides. He
is a quietly sensual lover, full of the erotic ability to stir her passions, yet capable
of also expressing himself with honest affection, combined with the kind of
respect for sex (and for her womanhood) that she demands. She's not a girl who
will expect long hours of preliminary romancing, and sentimental whisperings
before their physical Oneness. Nor will she require her lover or husband to
spend another several hours murmuring drowsy endearments, after the passion
of their love has been fulfilled. The natural, silent feeling of closeness following
sexual union contents her, and gives her a feeling of completeness. Why gild the
lily? It's no wonder this woman can lure a Bull more successfully than a flaming
Fire Sign female (who might frighten him away) or a changeable Air Sign
lady (who might drive him into confusion).
However, the sentimental Bull may require more than five minutes to demonstrate
practical. Thenhis
or love responsibilities than any other kind of duty, she'll usually respond
beautifully, by genuinely trying to match his more leisurely Taurean lovemaking
pace herself, and they'll become happy romantic, as well as sexual, lovers - so
that, by the time they reach their Golden Wedding anniversary, they'll have the
whole Sex-Love relationship bound up together in a lovely, warm unity. An occasional
Capricorn woman may tend to separate sex from love, due to bitter
memories of youthful hurt. The Bull may have fallen into the same pattern, unconsciously,
and for the very same reasons. (Both Goats and Bulls have incredibly
long memories.) But together, they can teach each other how well these two
needs blend, and she'll awaken, through his tenderness, to the childhood dreams
and innocence she lost through the premature growing-up all Capricorns experience
- while he'll gradually forget his painful memories of the past, as she gently
replaces them with warm and loving images for tomorrow's remembering.
The typical Taurean is rather uncommonly devoted to his family, which is a
good thing, because it will help him tolerate the Goat Girl's obsession with hers.
A Capricorn's devotion toward family ties can be summed up briefly, with
Milne's poem:
devotion to her. Since Cappy is no more inclined to shirk her maritalJames James Morrison Morrison
Weatherby George Dupree
took great care of his mother
though he was only threeThe verse is appropriate to the Saturn-ruled, whether the Goat is male or
female. In the latter case, just change the name to Jane Jane Morrison Morrison
Weatherby Elizabeth Dupree, and
know that she, also, "took great care of hermother, though she was only three." Not only that, she'll take good care of her
family when she's past one hundred, and her parents are pushing the second
century mark. Unless some traumatic and tragic experience in youth has left a
neurosis of bitter rejection - between these two, and their mutual families, holidays
will never be lonely and guest rooms will always be filled. The Bull will benignly
approve of his Goat Girl's attitude toward both her own and his relatives,
unless his mother is a Cancerian, and then it might get a little sticky. (Or if his
Moon or Ascendent is in Cancer.) It could create anything from a mild emotional
tremor, now and then, to a full scale earthquake on occasion.
A Cancerian mother is intensely possessive of her son, and a Capricorn wife
is intensely possessive of her husband. (Jealousy and possessiveness are not
quite the same thing.) It's possible that such a situation could cause the Goat
Girl to feel tugged on from both sides, until she decides (figuratively) to butt her
tough horns against one side or the other. But the Bull has horns too, and it's
only fair to warn Cappy that the odds are stacked against his using them against
Mama. For either a Capricorn woman - or a Bull with a Cancer Moon or Ascendent
- to be forced to choose between love and family ties, is like being condemned
to the horrors of a Tchen-type Oriental torture chamber.
They are good for each other, in so many ways, the Goat and the Bull. After
a while, they can even read one another's thoughts, so closely attuned can Taurus
and Capricorn become, throughout their years of togetherness.
HIM: Would you like t o . . .
HER: Yes, if we can get there in time for the first feature. Shall I . . .
HIM: No, don't call them. Let's go by ourselves. Remember . . .
HER: . . . our first anniversary, when we couldn't afford to go anywhere, so we
stayed home, and . . .
HIM: YOU wore your white evening gown anyway, and I . . .
HER: . . . spilled grape juice on it, and I . . .
HIM: And you laughed. Most women would have cried. Then I . . .
HER: Then you said you were glad of me . . .
HIM: Wasn't that a . . .
HER: A silly, sentimental thing to say? Yes, but I've never forgotten it. Look
at the time! If we don't hurry, we'll miss the first feature. Do you . . .
HIM: Still want to go? No. Let's stay home tonight, and . . .
HER: affair is over, nor by the daily reminders of it while it's still alive. That's
not to say she isn't capable of a deep devotion. Her loyalty, in fact, is unmatched
by any other female on the astrological wheel, once she finds a man she
thinks is worth loving wisely and well. She can also be tender and funny and
gentle and comforting, all those lovely, feminine things. After all, Capricorn is a
feminine sign. But it's also a negative Earth Sign - and Cardinal too - which
means she doesn't want a man to dominate her completely, and she's not about
to submerge herself in sentiment that might cloud her judgment or cause her to
make a mistake she'll have to live down.
You notice I didn't say a mistake she'll regret. Cappy doesn't waste time on
regret, which she considers a useless, maudlin emotion. But she does feel
obliged to live down an action not based on good sense. It's the yoke of punishment
Saturn places on her shoulders when she goofs, a stern reminder not to
goof again. To her, "living it down," means taking her medicine straight, without
This pretty, feminine woman is as tough as a gold miner's old boot, although
she can have exquisitely tender feelings for those nearest and dearest to
her, and she's quite capable of being faithful, if her mate was chosen by both her
heart and her head. When she occasionally slips up, and allows her heart to rule
alone, her head does not quickly forgive her. She must be somehow self-punished,
according to Saturn's stern discipline. But she's not burdened with the
kind of idealism that causes people to mask unpleasant facts behind a veil of
sentimental evasion. She corrects her mistakes, then plods right on, along the
rocky trail, seldom looking back. This girl is enormously practical, and imbued
with a great deal of common sense. For example, very few Cappies become
hookers or call girls, but their choice has little to do with sentimental morality. I
once had a conversation with a female Goat about prostitution. She was decidedly
contemptuous of women who sell their sexual favors in the market place,
not because of moral or emotional objections, but because, in her precise words:
"the profession involves so many middlemen that the prostitute ends up a financial
loser, as well as a social outcast - and she can work for such a limited
number of years. Then what does she do? It just isn't
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